Episode #63: Kaleidoscope with Dani Fisher & Decipherers Synonymous

Episode #63: Kaleidoscope with Dani Fisher & Decipherers Synonymous6120

Writing and performing your work out loud……sharing your gifts…… has never been so easily accessible, inspiring and cozy with the guidance of Decipherers Synonymous.  A team of successful writers and performers who work with The Beastro on McCormick Street to keep the magic alive in our community by offering an open mic every second Wednesday of the month.  An art, music and animal philanthropy house open to all ages, ability and fur friends.  Beverages, guest speakers, monthly themes, and friendship.  That’s what we are here for, so tune in and enjoy!

This episode was recorded at Granite Mountain Brewing in Prescott, AZ. 6125

Episode #62: Kaleidoscope with Dani Fisher & Eve Smith

6115Today, at Granite Mountain Brewing, Dani and local Chino Valley artist, EVE SMITH discuss the journey of being a self promotional visual artist in today’s world. es 3






Eve is a mother of two and in addition upkeeping her home, land and family and a part time job, she creates commission and self manifested artwork.

es 2
es 1Eve paints on… well, almost anything.  She sells hand-painted flagstone, palates, crates, wood, canvas and more.  Her work can be found on FACEBOOK at The Flagstone Gal, and at Granite Mountain Brewing.IMG_6108

Episode #61: Sky Daddy & Jim Sobo

sky_jim_006Episode #61 is up- The Sky Daddy Conwell Show debut features Sky & Jim Sobo recorded Live at The Bird Cage Saloon.sky_jim_004

sky_jim_002Sky & Jim talk songwriting, influences, & The Howling Coyote Tour. Then stick around as Jim plays a few tunes.sky_jim_001

The Sky Daddy Open Mic takes place each and every Wednesday night at 9 on the stage of the historic Bird Cage Saloon on Prescott’s Whiskey Row. Our Mile High Show mics will be on hand from time to time to record Sky & his guests, so stop in each week, hear some great music & you just never know when a podcast might break out.sky_jim_009 sky_jim_003


Episode #60: Hockey Returns to Prescott Valley, AZ

160123_asu_nau_001Episode #60 is up- This week Matt records a podcast as an excuse to get free hockey tickets.

Hockey is back in Prescott Valley as ASU takes on NAU in the Behind the Mask Desert Classic at the Prescott Valley Event Center, former home of the Arizona Sundogs.

Sitting in today is Catfish Athelli of PVEC, Jim Cabral of Gabby’s Grill, longtime fan Adam Wing, & Josey Greer, sometimes intern, sometimes nurse, all the time hockey nut.jim

cat 1They all talk hockey past, present, & future. Music for this episode is by The Zambonis, Warren Zevon, Raffi, D.O.A., & Gear Daddies160123_asu_nau_008 160123_asu_nau_009 160123_asu_nau_010 160123_asu_nau_011

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FREE OFFER from Podbean

podbean offer

Have a Story To Tell?

A cause or organization that needs a voice?

Or are you looking for an innovative way to advertise your business and engage customers?

I have three words for you- PODCAST, PODCAST, PODCAST!

A few years back, after unexpectedly landing a gig hosting a part time talk radio show, I found I really enjoyed talking with the many talented individuals in the Prescott, AZ area.

I wanted to expand that coverage and find an outlet for long form, conversational interviews with local musicians, entertainers, artists, and news makers.  I felt the best way to do that was on site, in the bars, restaurants, and coffee shops where these talented folks hang out, and The Mile High Show was born.

Podcasting allows listeners to tune in any time they want- appointment listening. Take in shows at their own pace, when they want to. More than 60 episodes later, it seems to be working. In addition to my Monday podcast, we have added to our line up by including 3 new co-hosts, Dani Fisher, Sky Conwell, and Leslie Earl Lyman who will be bringing you in depth interviews with a show dedicated to visual arts, life coaches, & the local music scene.

Podbean, the hosting company I use, has a SPECIAL OFFER for listeners of The Mile High Show- a 30 Day FREE OFFER to try podcasting. In 3 easy steps you can get your story to the ENTIRE WORLD, and show your support to The Mile High Show at the same time.

Click this button, use the Coupon Code MHSPodbeanFREE on check out, and START PODCASTING TODAY!

Feel free to CONTACT US with any questions you have or tips on equipment, interviews, or setting up your podcast.

Thanks for supporting The Mile High Show-

Microsoft Word - Client Credit Card.doc

Matt Santos

Host/Producer www.milehighshow.com




Episode #59 (ish): Glenn Frey Tribute by Sky Conwell

GlennFrey2Episode #59 (ish) is up- This week’s BONUS EPISODE,  Matt & Sky Conwell remember Glenn Frey who died on Jan. 18, 2016, just a few days before this episode was recorded.6822

They talk about Eagles memories & anything else that pops into their heads.

Sky opened up his Wednesday Night Bird Cage Saloon Show with a tribute to Frey & The Eagles, so sit back, enjoy, & listen for Sky’s debut as host of The Mile High Show next week.6825

Episode #58: Kaleidoscope with Dani Fisher and Paul T. Morris.

Episode #58: Kaleidoscope with Dani Fisher and Paul T. Morris.

160120_PTM_004 You can take the boy outta Pennsylvania, but you can’t take his guitar or his passion for Prescott, people, or good tunes.

160120_PTM_001We may all know Paul T. Morris from our local station KYCA/1490 AM ….a man of honest information and local traffic, but did you know he toured with the Allman Bro’s and played at Carnegie Hall?  Guess the sneaky way he got those gigs? He asked.  On our way from hard work to success, sometimes it’s just that easy to promote our talent, and sometimes it just ain’t.160120_PTM_003

Join Dani and Paul at The Raven Cafe for camaraderie, original tunes, and free tips on how to make it as a Renaissance man in the big, bad, real world of music.160120_PTM_002160120_PTM_005

Episode # 57: Cecelia Jernegan

Episode #57 is up- This week Matt sits down Cecelia Jernegan, Prescott, AZ based marketer & promoter to talk about her client Mortimer Farms and all the fun stuff happening out there this year.CJ_web 1
Look for the Mortimer Farms Park Grand Opening this March & pick up a copy of Cecelia’s book “Working from a Home Office Successfully: Best Practice Tips” from our Mile High Show Amazon Link.

CJ_web 2Today’s episode was recorded at Method Coffee in Prescott & is brought to you by Audible.com, use the code “MileHigh” to get a FREE audio download from over 180,000 available titles & a FREE 30-day subscription.MortimerParkFlyerWeb

This week’s intro & outro music is “Old MacDonald had a Farm” by Rufus Thomas.

Episode #56: The PJ’s-Thomas Hood & Matt Hinshaw

Episode #56 is up- This week Matt sits down with 2 Arizona photojournalists, Matt Hinshaw & Thomas Hood to talk 160111_001photography, media, & what inspired them to get into the biz.

160111_003This is a marathon session recorded at Barefoot Bob’s Billiards in Prescott Valley may be best digested in a few parts or maybe on a very long, long drive.

faceThe final 15 minutes or so (01:55) are dedicated to the folks that influenced our host during his 35 year career behind the lens- mainly Jim Fashinell, a staple in the Bay Area photo world for over 40 years until his death in the mid 90’s.

So sit back, get comfortable, it’s a long ride.jf 2 jf jf3

Episode #55: Wes Williams

Episode #55 is up- This week Matt sits down with Wes Williams, front man of The Wes Williams Band.6596     6565

6584Joining in on the conversation are friends Ryan Campbell & Angie Prosser to talk touring, musical influences, songwriting, vaping, & the end of civilization as we know it- they cover it all including the band’s latest release “Nobody Cares” available NOW on Band Camp.nobody cares

The Wes Williams Band begins a new tour in February throughout the southwest, including dates at Brick & Bones Moonshine Bar and Bistro where today’s show was recorded.

6591Stay til the end for a special inspirational message from the great Shane Falco.
