Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA- Granny Goes Swimming
Episode #247 is up- This week Matt hits the road with his son Anthony for an “On The Road” podcast recorded…well, a year ago.
This is truly an episode recorded for only one listener, our host, as a sort of therapy session but you might find it interesting.
The Mile High Show will not confirm or deny any actions that may have taken place during this road trip and disavows any knowledge of laws that may or may not have been broken during the recording of this podcast.
Read a little bit about this trip HERE-
The Intro music is “On the Road Again” by Willie Nelson, and the Outro music is… “On the Road Again” by Canned Heat.

Uncle Sal, La Grange, CA
This episode is brought to you by Bullydog Coffee Company & you have the chance to get a FREE 1-lb bag-o-beans & a coffee mug by posting a Rate & Review of our show on iTunes or by tagging our show & Bullydog Coffee on a social media post-
We are pleased to announce our partnership with BarkBox– Delivering 4 to 6 natural treats and super fun toys built around a surprise theme each month. Use our LINK or go to getbarkbox.com/milehigh and get a FREE MONTH of treats!

Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara, CA
The Mile High Show is brought to you by Amazon- use the Mile High Show link to do all of your online shopping.

The Scene of the Crime- Sonora, CA

Sunol, CA

Pirates’ Cove, Stop #1